Possible Covid-19 Outbreak in Afikpo North By: Caroline James- Fundraising Campaign Manager, PDA

It will be a cliché to begin giving details of what Covid-19 is, as it is the ongoing global pandemic in the world. As of 17th March 2020, 159 countries and territories reported the spread of the virus which is believed to have originated in Hubei Province (Wuhan the capital city), China in December 2019.

Nigeria is not left out from the countries that have reported of cases of coronavirus. “Till date, 536,695 samples have been tested, 59,345 cases have been confirmed, there are 7,464 active cases, 50,768 cases have been discharged and 1,113 deaths have been recorded in 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory” says NCDC as at 5th October, 2020. Sadly, there is no specific cure yet for Covid-19 although there are many clinical trials to test various potential antivirals. Since the outbreak, the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) set out guidelines for all Nigerians to follow to reduce the risk of spread. Members of the public are advised to adhere to the following preventive measures:

 1.      Wash hands frequently with soap under running water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based sanitizer if water is not available.

2.      Maintain a physical distance of at least 2 metres from others in public spaces.

3.      Wear a non-medical face-mask/covering when leaving the house.

4.      Cover your mouth and nose properly with a tissue paper when sneezing and/or coughing. Dispose of the tissue properly immediately after use. You may also cough into your elbow if a tissue is not available.

5.      Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness.

6.      Stay home if you feel unwell until you recover. Do not mingle with people or congregate.

7.      Avoid large gatherings of more than 20 persons and gatherings where physical distancing measures are not put in place.

 As at the time of this report, NCDC, the National Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), the National Health Response Team and the Federal and State Response Teams have not changed or asked people to stop following these guidelines, yet it seems we have all forgotten and are back to the ‘old normal’.

 Ebonyi state government at the beginning of the outbreak was not proactive to ensuring that its citizens followed the prevention protocols. However, as soon as the number of infected persons in the state began to rise, the Governor, David Umahi began acting. The first case according to report is from Afikpo axis, and the patient died. The cases then began to rise so quickly that at a point from the NCDC record, the cases rose to 234 confirmed cases. “Umahi lamented about how people are not taking the pandemic as serious as they ought to and even warned that the state is contemplating closing down markets and churches flouting the Covid-19 guidelines”.

 Participatory Development Alternatives (PDA) in collaboration with ActionAid also went to various communities in the state to sensitize people about the pandemic, illustrating and distributing flyers to better help these people understand how to keep safe during this time.

Recently, a PDA staff member, in the course of carrying out other duties, observed that alarmingly, over 99% of people especially in the market places and generally in the communities are no longer making use of face masks, hand sanitizers or washing their hands in running water nor observing social distance.

While interviewing some traders and business owners as to why the guidelines are no longer adhered to, majority of respondents responded that they believe that the pandemic no longer exists, they said “corona don go! he no dey again” It was clear that they honestly believed this. The staff and her colleagues had to reorient many of these people, citing practical examples of how the numbers of people contracting the virus both within and outside the state are still rising. The interviewer explained the importance of them keeping safe especially because many people no longer show symptoms to this virus. She also explained that although their immune system might be strong enough for them not to show the symptoms, they will be putting the lives of older people in their homes whose immune system is not as strong, at huge risk. With this, all promised to adhere to the Covid-19 rules and even tell their neighbours, friends and family.

 As at Sunday 4th October, 2020, Ebonyi state had 1,042 confirmed cases, 4 cases of admission, 1,008 discharged and 30 deaths. This proves that the number is on the increase daily. Do we then fold our hands and do nothing especially since the spread is due to our negligence?

 This is why it is imperative that we never stop reminding ourselves and the people around us about how important it is to continue abiding by all the Covid-19 guidelines for our sake of us all. We must constantly keep reminding ourselves as well as one another, of the benefits of abiding by the rules that obviously outweighs ignoring them. Never stop spreading the word!!!

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